Town Planning

The art and science of ordering the use of land and siting of buildings and communication routes so as to secure the maximum practicable degree of economy, convenience and beauty. It is an attempt to formulate the principles that should guide us in creating a civilized physical background for human life whose main impetus is thus foreseeing and guiding change. 
Town planning is an art of shaping and guiding the physical growth of the town creating buildings and environments to meet the various needs such as social, cultural, economic and recreational etc. and to provide healthy conditions for both rich and poor to live, to work and to play or relax, thus bringing about the social and economic well-being for the majority of mankind. Planning is the process of deciding in advance what is to be done, who is to do it, how it is to be done and when it is to be done. It is the process of determining a course of action, so as to achieve the desired results. It is a process of decision making. It involves the creation and maintenance of a plan, such as psychological aspects that require conceptual skills.  
Planning means pre-thinking and pre-arranging  things before an event takes place so as to achieve good results in health, convenience, comfort and happiness of all living beings. Planning is a process of helping a community, identify its problems and its central values, formulating goals and alternative approaches to achieving community objectives, and avoiding undesired consequences of change. This process of planning results in frameworks for coping with change. Some are physical elements such as streets, roads and sewer lines. Some are concepts that serve as guides to action, such as the goal of becoming a major distribution center or of encouraging investment in the core of the city. Some are regulatory, reflecting the desires of the community to encourage good development and discourage bad development.
“A city should be built to give its inhabitants security and happiness” – Aristotle
“A place where men had a common life for a noble end” – Plato 


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